Wednesday 16 February 2022

Storm Dudley

I have to confess to going back to bed this morning after I'd seen Sophie off! I woke up at about 8.30am and enjoyed a relaxed coffee with Keith before tackling some outstanding jobs.

The weather this morning was blustery but dry and very mild. We have Storm Dudley with us today and on Friday, Storm Eunice is going to make an appearance! It's quite unusual to have two storms so close together and I think, in this case, the female will be more deadly than the male!

It was great to be able to open the windows and get some fresh air into the house to blow the cobwebs away! I cleaned downstairs, and at 2pm went to collect Mum from the care home for a visit back at ours. 

After popping to the Co-op in Broughton for a cake to take back with us, I made us a cup of tea and we sat and chatted in the conservatory, Outside, the clear blue skies and sunshine of this morning had given way to ominous clouds and a very fresh breeze!

Keith and I both took Mum home and returned via the scenic route. Just after we got back, the heavens opened and we had some very heavy rain which, combined with the gusty winds, made for some interesting weather! I was very glad when Sophie arrived home!

Keith and I played cards and he beat me soundly! Sophie made a delicious dinner of chicken tacos and we chatted about the meals for the rest of the week... sometimes it can be such a bore choosing meals, but the thought of going shopping without a list would be a nightmare!

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