Saturday 26 February 2022

Spring has sprung?

The weather today has been gorgeous, and very Spring-like, but it's never a good idea to get complacent! Remember the old adage - March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb! However, it was lovely to see the sun and the blue skies. It was still a little cold, but who cares when the sun is out!

I took Mum to Woodlands hospital this morning for an appointment, and as usual, we were met by a little Hitler on the reception desk. We were made to swap our own, perfectly good facemasks for surgical ones, and I was questioned as to whether I needed to accompany my Mum... I was adamant that she needed me with her and I think the look on my face deterred any further questioning!

We had to wait a while but we were out by 12pm and went to collect Sophie from home. We had planned on going to Market Harborough today but time was short, as Sophie was hoping to meet Zain for dinner later in the afternoon.

We headed to Smith's Farm Shop and ordered some lunch in their new cafe. Things looked a bit chaotic behind the counter, but we had delicious sandwiches and coffee, and then enjoyed a slice of cake afterwards.

Before going home we had a good mooch about the shop and picked out some treats. My Mum couldn't believe how many choices there were! One last stop before home was the petrol station, as the threat of queues and panic-buying had reared its ugly head yesterday on social media because of the rise in oil prices... I went to the garage at Moulton and there were no queues at all and everything was calm thank goodness! I would hate to go back to those days again!

After taking Mum back, we came home and relaxed and Sophie received news from Zain that his Mum had been taken ill and he had to return to London with her. They'd been at a wedding in Leicester and he'd been hoping to leave for a few hours to see Sophie. She was upset, naturally, but we had a game of Scrabble and a cocktail made with the Warners Raspberry Gin and she felt a little better, bless her.

We had left the decision about dinner until late (if Sophie had eaten out, Keith and I would have had a takeaway) so we hurriedly prepared dinner of creamy chicken with dumplings and some veggies to go with it. The meal was delicious and Sophie and I went upstairs after we'd eaten to watch Fleetwood Mac in concert in Boston. 

When that was over, we caught up with the news about Ukraine which was very sad. I wish someone would do something about Putin!

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