Tuesday 31 August 2021

The end of an era...

I bid a fond farewell to Mike this morning and said that if he ever needed us, we'd be there for him. We just hope that he keeps in touch, and comes back to see us regularly! There was talk of us taking him down tomorrow with some of his things, but as the flat has fallen through, and they're staying with friends, all of their furniture is still being kept at Abbie's grandad's house. I did get a panicked call from him before I started work, though, asking where his passport was! I hadn't seen it and the last I knew was that he had it!

Today at work was as horrible as yesterday was lovely! There were a lot of extraneous people in our office, so sometimes the noise level was unbearable. We were very busy as well, and Jo and I had some nasty callers. One woman was screaming down the phone at me about her membership and in the end, I put the phone down on her, as there was no point in carrying on trying to help. When she immediately called back I got her again! She had calmed down a bit and did apologise, so that was something!

It was a huge relief to walk out at 4pm and sit for a few moments in the car, relishing the peace! At home I mooched about, deciding to leave any housework for tomorrow when I'm off. I love Tuesday evenings when I'm facing two days away from work!

While Keith cooked a delicious chicken pie this evening, Sophie and I played cards and had a deep conversation about relationships! A lot of the things I worried about when I was young now seem irrelevant but at Sophie's age, things can seem daunting!

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