Thursday 26 August 2021

A new broom sweeps clean!

After a slow start, Keith and I went to do the shopping at Aldi and Tesco. It's still school holidays so it was busier than usual, and Keith vowed to go earlier next week! I looked for new things for the kitchen in Tesco, but only found two storage jars and a muffin tin!

Back home we unpacked everything (so much easier now!) and had some lunch. I wanted to try and get some bits for the kitchen so we went to Jones's. I found two new doormats and a new broom, but no storage jars for the flour we use. As they're hidden away in a cupboard at the moment, I'm not too worried! As expected, Christmas items were beginning to creep onto the shelves in the wholesaler's and here's my annual picture of what's for sale, even though we're in August!

Gonks galore! I wasn't tempted... not just yet!

We drove back home where I tidied up, used my new broom, and then mooched about for the rest of the afternoon. We still haven't had a quote from the painter and decorator that came out to us last Tuesday, even though I messaged him on Saturday asking when we would receive it. Both Keith and I are very annoyed because now we've wasted ten days waiting around for a quote that will, most likely, never get sent. Why not just say to us he didn't want to do it? He had lots of recommendations on the local forums, so I can't understand why he just wasn't honest with us? I called a painter that Mum and Dad used to use, and who lives in the village, so I just hope that he responds to my plea for help!

At 5pm I had a wallow in a deep, hot bath and when Sophie came home we sat and watched television for a change. I am into George's Remarkable Renovations at the moment, and love seeing what other people have done with their kitchens!

Sophie cooked paella tonight, while Keith and I sat at the island and did the crossword puzzle in the newspaper.

This was just how I imagined it would be!

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