Friday 27 August 2021

Not a quiet end to the week!

Any hopes that today would end on a quiet note were dashed, as it quickly became apparent that we were going to be busier than the early part of the week. It meant that, reluctantly, I had to come off the phones to do the box office returns otherwise I would never have managed to do them before my shift ended!

There doesn't seem to be an end in sight to the swimming bookings, and I estimate that these calls made up 90% of our conversations today. Even the customers don't like having to book in advance!

Therefore, it was a relief to leave at 4pm and head home. Although this is a bank holiday weekend, I will be working on Monday, but I do have two weeks annual leave to look forward to, from the 6th September.

Keith was not at the pub this evening as his friend John was unable to make it, so we didn't have to go out at all. Sophie and I sipped a glass of red and started watching Desperate Housewives again, right from the start!

Dinner this evening was a simple chilli and jacket potato affair, and then we watched a new series called Deceit about the Rachel Nickell murder in the 1990s. I remember being shocked by what happened, and the series is about the "honey-trap" set for Colin Stagg who they think murdered her. Keith wasn't keen but Sophie and I enjoyed it!

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