Monday 12 July 2021

The rash goes on...

Mike came home some time late last night, but had forgotten to tell us, so Keith had a shock this morning when he was woken up at 5am!

I went to work and had a busy shift, as per usual for a Monday. Sheila had put on the first few weeks of the crash courses, but there are still quite a few to put on, and I have no idea how I'm going to do them. I just about managed to complete the box office returns from the weekend!

After work, I went over to the bank and spoke to someone about the fraudulent payment on the account. It appears it was taken from my Dad's card which is safely in his wallet in our documents drawer at home... I cancelled the card anyway, so at least it can't be used again.

I went upstairs to Boots from the bank and asked the pharmacist about my rash, which is not getting any better. In fact, it flares up when I'm feeling stressed, which, at work, is a lot of the time! He was a bit useless, and told me to contact my GP, which I will do as soon as I get home! I've had enough of it now!

Sophie was home today after her weekend away and had put the hoover around for me, which was lovely. We sat and caught up with what we'd both been doing, and I tried the new Gin I'd ordered from the Drop Store (after a three-week delivery), called Ginetic, which has been distilled in France. Unfortunately, the long wait wasn't worth it, as I didn't like it one bit! I think I'll stay with my Orange Gin from either Aldi or Lidl!

I called the surgery but was advised to call again tomorrow at 8am when I could try and get a telephone appointment. With all of the haring around after work and catching up with Sophie, we missed Boris's announcement, but it was on the news anyway and was as we had predicted - all restrictions will be removed next Monday. However, infections are rising alarmingly - about 30,000 a day, but deaths are still low. Who knows if it's the right decision? Only time will tell!

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