Wednesday 14 July 2021


Keith and I had earmarked today to clean our filthy conservatory roof, and I was not looking forward to it one bit!

First of all, we popped over to Tesco to get a few bits of shopping, and then we visited B&M to see if they had any window cleaning kits. I found something suitable, as well as a huge orange mitt to clean the windows with!

Before going home we popped to the surgery and I picked up my cream, but strangely, this morning, the rash seemed a lot better. Because I'm off work, maybe?

I had to have a cup of coffee before we started, and Keith disappeared out into the garden to make the pole we'd bought even longer! He started at the worst bit, under the canopy of trees, where the birds sit and do their business straight onto our roof!

I made a start on the double doors leading out onto the gravel garden, which were covered in cobwebs and bits of leaves, as well as tenacious ivy suckers. It had been trying to come indoors! Once Keith had cleaned each glass panel, I followed him and cleaned the guttering, the windows and the windowsills. Once we moved around to the front of the conservatory it became hot!

Amazingly, we had finished by 3pm and it looked enormously better, especially the glass panel nearest the house which was covered in nasty black bits. It was lovely to look up and see them so clean, but we promised ourselves that next time we'd get a professional in to do them. The very topmost points are difficult to get to and I think we need someone who knows what they're doing, or who has the equipment!

We went to get Mike from work and noticed that the temperature was registering 26c. I didn't realise it was so warm! He had given in his notice this morning and will finish on the 13th of August. He'll take a couple of weeks off, but he's looking for a job in Southampton where he's moving with Abbie. Another end of an era coming up!

Back home I planted out some summer bedding flowers I'd bought in Tesco this morning. The poor things were as dry as a bone, but once in their new homes, they looked a lot happier!

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