Monday 5 July 2021

Itchy, itchy!

This morning, my hands and arms started itching, and my skin broke out in lots of raised red bumps. I think I may have been affected by the ivy that I cleared away yesterday, as it's affecting the underside of both arms, where I was pressing the leaves and branches down into the bin...

Sophie had an appointment at the beauty salon this evening, so I took her to work this morning as parking is really difficult (it was a good job I did...). I dropped her off at just before 9am and this time I went straight into work to try and get some jobs done before the calls started at 10am. I managed to do most of the box office returns so that was a bonus!

As predicted our shift was busy today, and I gave up all hope of doing anything other than answering calls. We are all very much hoping that after the 19th of July we can abandon the booking of swimming sessions because to have to do that in the school holidays doesn't bear thinking about!

My arms and hands continued to itch through the day, and Sheila gave me an antihistamine tablet to take, which really didn't do much to help, but it was good of her to offer!

I was going to stay on for a while after 4pm, but I'd had enough so I sat in the car park for a while catching up with emails, and then drove down to Brackmills. We set off for Kingsley, and when we arrived, we realised we couldn't park in the car park as there were workmen doing something with the road. I had to park where I could, but thankfully I wasn't in their way! There seemed to be a lot of milling about, shouting, and then eating of baguettes! Just before we left to go home, a huge dumper truck arrived and I got out of the way while the going was good! I'm just glad Sophie wasn't in the beauty salon for very long!

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