Tuesday 27 July 2021

Getting prepared...

Although it wasn't so busy at work today, the noise level was tremendous, mainly because four of us were on the phones, and there were some other people in the office as well, adding to the general mayhem. Some of my poor customers could hardly hear me!

It was an absolute relief to get out at 4pm and sit in my car for two minutes, relishing the peace and quiet! It's been a rainy one today, with torrential downpours in the afternoon and evening. Good news as I didn't have to water the garden!

I took some photos today, in readiness for the works to begin this week:

Keith and Mike had moved the table and small shelving unit out today, so the room is pretty much empty apart from the computer table. All we need to do tomorrow is take out some plates from the cupboard and move the microwave and coffee machine!

Sophie texted me before she left for work to say that Zain was coming up to see her for a meal this evening, so she would be out... all plans for our dinner went out of the window, as I just knew we would have wasted half of it, so it's cottage pie tomorrow instead! Abbie is coming so it's a much better idea. Our meal tonight, therefore, was a sad mix of cold meats, fried potatoes (leftovers from yesterday) and some sausage rolls... not what I had in mind and no lovely salad to go with it!

Sophie was home by 9pm, which was a bonus, and Keith and I watched the first episode of the excellent Baptiste... we can't wait to see the rest of the series!

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