Monday 15 February 2021

All change!

Day 42

It's been all change today with Sophie going back to work this morning, something she hasn't done since late October. She had no clue as to what time to leave - normally she would have left early, gone to the gym and then into work, but that's not possible at the moment! She left at 8.15am, but became stuck in roadworks near to her office. They held her up for ages, but she made it on time, thank goodness!

Keith took Mike to work and carried on to Tesco where he bought shopping for the next few days. We had planned on going to B&Q today, to get some draught excluder tape for our windows upstairs (exciting stuff, eh?) but our son had ordered a new phone and it was due to be delivered today, so we were under strict instructions to be at home in case it arrived. 

And talking of phones, I have ordered a new one for myself. I've only had mine since October 2019 but it's in a bad way, and after long discussions with both Apple and Tesco, and trying to get it repaired, I've decided to upgrade to a new one. Very annoying, to be honest, but I don't trust it any more and living out in the countryside as we do, a reliable phone is essential.

I spent the morning pottering about and was delighted when the sun came out and it turned lovely and mild. What a difference to yesterday and last week! I went into the garden and sorted out my poor summer bedding plants, which haven't survived this winter. All the geraniums have perished and the soil in all the pots was still frozen! It just shows how cold it's been!

Keith came out as well, and we tried to get the rear windscreen washer going on my car. My poor Audi has now done over 160,000 miles and is starting to go downhill a bit. It was making a funny knocking noise when the engine was running and there are various problems with it that I need to get sorted out when Spring arrives. It could do with an in-depth valet and having Mike in the back of the car with his dirty boots doesn't help! When you consider how many miles it's done and it has never really let me down, it's not bad.

I went to get Mike this afternoon - my only outing of the day! Back home I hoovered downstairs and tidied up, and before I knew it Sophie had returned home. She'd been busy, but had missed us and especially Monty! We enjoyed a glass of red and settled down to watch A New Life in the Sun. Back in the routine!

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