Monday 11 January 2021

Worrying news...

Day 7

So another week of lockdown begins, and who knows how long it will last? The infection rate is rising and deaths are higher than they were in the first wave. It truly is frightening. I found out today that a work colleague, Kathy, has contracted Covid, along with her husband and daughter. When she wrote on our WhatsApp group chat last week about having a headache and feeling exhausted, alarm bells started ringing. She has asthma, so I just hope that she feels better soon. I can now say I actually know someone, in my close circle of friends, neighbours and colleagues, who has it. I wasn't able to say that back in the first wave of the pandemic.

I spent the morning pottering about and touched up the white paint on our bannisters, something I've been meaning to do for ages. At lunchtime, Sophie and I went for a walk, just into the village and back, but it was great to get out and have some exercise and fresh air.

Sophie and I made Chicken Pillau in the evening and, unfortunately, it wasn't a huge success. We were supposed to have had it last night and although the chicken was in date, it smelt funny, like farts! Keith said it was the preservative on the chicken, but it did put us off slightly. I'd made a curry paste in the afternoon, but I think if we make this again, I'll buy a jar of curry paste and then keep any leftover in the fridge. So, not the most successful of meals - Sophie also said the garlic tasted too strong! Ho hum!

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