Saturday 16 January 2021

An afternoon treat!

Day 12

I was awake at about 4am this morning for some reason, and at 5am I decided to get up for an hour. Outside, as forecast, snow was falling, but by the time I went back to bed at 6am, it was turning to rain. I slept until 8.30am and the light covering of snow that I'd seen earlier, had almost completely gone. So much for the weather warning of heavy snow today!

Sophie made a lovely coffee and walnut cake this morning, and at midday, we went over to the care home with some Ibuprofen for my Mum who has sciatica and was in a lot of pain. Sophie and I then drove over to Farndon Fields to pick up three afternoon teas that we had ordered to celebrate my birthday! The roads were threatening to flood again, and I took it slowly through the puddles!

Back home Sophie laid the table and arranged our afternoon tea on the dining room table. It looked fantastic!

The tea filled us up, and we enjoyed it with a bottle of Prosecco that Mum and Dad had given me for my birthday. We had to leave a good hour before having a slice of Sophie's delicious cake and a cup of tea! We sat in the conservatory and I had a nap as it was so lovely and cosy in there.

Today, I think we were all a bit fed up with being stuck inside. I know some people are having it a lot worse, especially those on their own, but the weekends seem to be the hardest. Next week I'm determined to start doing things in the house so at least I feel I can earn some relaxation at the end of the day!

We spent the evening watching television and obviously didn't have any dinner. We were all too full up!

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