Sunday 10 January 2021

Big Brother's watching you...

Day 6

I was shocked this morning when I read a post on our residents' Facebook page, that a woman who lives alone, but who had formed a support bubble with her ex-husband, had been reported to the police. They duly turned up at her house with two police cars (can you believe it?) and interrogated her about her visitor. The woman in question is a pillar of our community, does so much to help others, is a Parish Councillor, and volunteers for no end of local organisations, including acting as co-ordinator for people who need help during the pandemic.

Naturally, there was a huge outpouring of sympathy and anger about what had happened, and I wouldn't like to be in the person's shoes who reported her to the police! I privately think the person isn't on our Facebook page, and that it's someone who has a grudge, but it was unpleasant nonetheless. To think we have a snitch in our midst!

Unfortunately, Great Britain looks to be heading the way of the Stasi who used to operate in East Germany from the 1950s. We seem to be encouraged to snoop on our neighbours and report anything suspicious. How wonderful. How low have we sunk when people do this to one another?

Only last week, two women who had driven 5 miles from their homes to meet at a reservoir, were fined £200 by the police. They were carrying takeaway coffees at the time, which were deemed to be "picnics" so they were berated for that as well. As we have been told we can drive to take exercise, this has resulted in confusion as to what we can and cannot do! Keith and I drive longer distances to go to Tesco and Aldi! It's becoming ridiculous - sometimes I honestly cannot believe I am writing these words and I keep thinking I'll wake up and this has all been a horrible nightmare.

Anyway, we stayed at home all morning, but at 2pm Sophie and I drove over to wave to my Mum and Dad through the window of their bedroom. We cannot go in and see them at the moment, as there have been three positive tests at the care home, and it's likely we won't be able to go in until after the 20 January, but I wanted to see my Mum and Dad and have a chat on the phone. It's the least we can do at the moment.

After we'd seen them and had a chat, we drove to Mill Lane, and parked the car halfway along the single track road. Sadly, the weather today has been grey and cold, with no sign of the sun at all, so no beautiful sunset this afternoon. We walked back the way we had driven and saw several joggers, walkers and cyclists. We hadn't brought the litter picker with us, which was a shame as there were lots of drinks cans and rubbish in the hedgerows.

It was great to get back in the car and head home to our warm house! I had a nap on the sofa, and when I woke up, Sophie came downstairs and made us Martinis. Delicious! Dinner tonight was the Chicken Kievs we should have had yesterday, and we roasted cubed potatoes to go with them, as well as baked asparagus wrapped in Parma ham. Yum!

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