Friday 22 January 2021

More bills!

Day 18

We were all out early this morning to take Sophie's car and my Dad's car to the garage in Broughton for their MOTs. I followed Sophie in Dad's car, and the roads were very icy. It was a gorgeous morning, but cold!

Back home it was time for breakfast and a lazy morning spent mooching about. Towards lunchtime, Keith and I walked around the estate to get the newspaper and chatted to a couple of neighbours, which was lovely. If we can walk and get the papers, all the better! 

The weather stayed beautiful all day but Sophie and I skipped our midday walk. She was taking part in a quiz at 4pm, and so wanted to make herself look presentable, so after soup and toast for lunch, she disappeared to put some make-up on. It was a rare treat for her!

The cars were ready at about 4.30pm, and as Sophie was still at work, Keith and I went to collect them. The sky was a beautiful mix of pinks, blues, greys and peaches and while we were waiting for the cars to be ready I stood and gazed at the beautiful spectacle. We have heavy snow forecast for Sunday... let's see if the forecast is right!

My Dad's car needed new wiper blades, and Sophie's car failed initially because of the engine management light, and both cost about £100 so that's a fair amount the garage has got out of us this week!

Back home, Sophie was finished work for the week, and we relaxed with a drink and the film Notting Hill. Dinner this evening was pizza, potato wedges and salad so an easy meal to prepare! The weekend is upon us again... what are we going to do?!!

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