Wednesday 16 December 2020

Where does the time go?

I was facing a busy day today, trying to make the best use of my time off! Keith and I went over to Next in Kettering at 9am and picked up the clothes I'd ordered for my Mum for her birthday. I'd ordered a lovely jumper and a scarf, and I said that if they didn't fit, I would give up!

Collection from the shop was quick and easy, and we ventured into Tesco to buy presents for Soph and Mike. At the moment, Tesco have some very good deals if you have a Clubcard, and we made use of them! After we'd shopped I really wanted a coffee so I queued up at Costa and waited. A woman was standing doing something at one of the counters, but rather than acknowledging me and saying she would be with me in a minute (or whatever) she ignored me completely.

I gave up and we drove over to the new Costa opposite Aldi where we sat and enjoyed a Flat White and a Bramley apple sausage roll. As we left I suddenly remembered I had to get cards and chocolates for my Mum so we had to return to Tesco again! I left Keith in the car and went inside to get him his present as well!

From Kettering, we made the longish drive to Northampton where I picked up the bedspread from the launderette. We then sped home where I just had time to put my Mum's clothes into a gift bag before going to see them! Phew!

The visit today was utterly different from last week. They arrived dead on time and I stayed for almost 45 minutes. We had a good chat, and both my parents looked great - very smart, well-dressed and they seemed happy, which was lovely. I had planned on going to get Mike straight from the visit but he had called Sophie to say he was going to be late, so I headed home, and had lunch with my daughter. 

The weather today had been steadily getting worse, and when we did go and get Mike from work it was blowing a gale and raining heavily. We returned home, and I decided to wrap some presents. I was very pleased with what I'd managed to achieve today, but the time had sped by!

Keith disappeared upstairs to watch Newcastle play on Amazon Prime, and he said he thought he had the beginnings of a cold. Oh no... We dosed him up with Lemsip, honey, whisky and hot lemonade and prayed that he wouldn't develop a full-blown cold. Normally, by now, he has had a cough and cold, and we were dreading him getting one this year...

Sophie and I played Scrabble, and then we prepared a fish pie for dinner. Afterwards, we had a very festive evening watching Return to the Chateau and then Gordon, Gino and Fred in Lapland. It was hilarious!

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