Monday 28 December 2020

Back to work...

I really didn't know what to expect at work today, and was hoping that it wouldn't be too bad! Keith went out early in my car to go shopping, but as I was heading out in my Dad's car he was coming back. He said the car was making a very strange noise, so he didn't want to drive it. Hopefully, we can contact the garage tomorrow and get it fixed.

The weather today has been horrible, with thick fog this morning, and temperatures hovering around freezing. I was working with Louiza today and arrived with plenty of time to get the office set up. Unfortunately, our wallboard refused to work, so we didn't have a clue as to how many calls were coming in, how many were waiting or had been abandoned!

After an initial hectic rush, when I feared it would be like this all day, things calmed down. We didn't have any moans or groans about the fitness classes being cancelled, but there were a few emails about freezing memberships. I did as many as I could to help Sara tomorrow.

At 4pm I sped home and relaxed by watching the second of two programmes about Siberian Tigers. The snow looked wonderful, and even though we'd had weather warnings out for our own snow today, it had remained dry all day. I would like to see just a bit!

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