Friday 18 December 2020

A lazy start to the weekend!

When Sophie returned from the gym I sat with her in the conservatory and read the papers, so a lovely, lazy start to my Friday.

However, housework was calling, and I cleaned downstairs while Keith prepared the vegetables for dinner. The weather outside was horrible and cold, with a nasty wind and drizzly rain. Typical that I was off today and yesterday was lovely! I gave the downstairs of the house a really good clean and mopped the kitchen floor, the hallway and the study. Upstairs can wait until Monday!

Keith and I went to get Mike from work in the wind and rain and watched some foolish golfers at the 18th. They were soaked through! I warned Mike on the way home that I had just cleaned the kitchen floor and woe betide him if he made a mess!

This evening's dinner choice was chicken soup, and we had already cooked some breasts in the oven. It was a very simple recipe and called for carrots, onions and garlic to be sweated in a casserole dish for a while, a jug of stock poured in and then the chicken added. To add some more bulk we put in a bag of rice and heated some baguettes in the oven. The soup was delicious and very filling.

After we'd eaten Sophie and I watched a programme about The Savoy hotel last Christmas. If only the people celebrating New Year had known what was ahead of them!

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