Sunday 8 September 2019

The warmth of the sun!

We awoke to blue skies and sunshine today and it's been gorgeous. I was awake quite early so I was pleased as I really didn't want to waste a minute today. When Sophie woke up she said she was going to the gym so we dropped her off and went to put some petrol in her car before going down to the Costa on Riverside. It was bliss to sit by the window and have a coffee in the sunshine!

On the way home we called to see my parents and we had another coffee. Back home I pottered about in the garden and watered the plants, some of which were quite dry. I removed some compost from my bin and planted up a rose that my parents had given me. As soon as we return home from Mallorca I'm going to buy some winter flowering pansies and plant them in my compost (which still has some egg shells intact!).

I decided to change our bed and I did mounds of washing and also chatted outside to Lynn who had given us a couple of wheelbarrows of top soil from the new neighbours across the road. She said they were going to move in tomorrow so even though we've hardly spoken to them, we've had mounds of their lovely topsoil!

Sophie and I took Monty for a walk and dropped off some recycling before going to see the horses who wolfed down our carrots. The boss horse chased away two of the others and let me pat and stroke her (I think she's a she). Monty came with us but then ran off when he saw a man walking two big dogs. We carried on around the estate and relished the warmth of the sun on our faces. Bliss!

Back home I dug all the top soil into our garden and Sophie came to sit out with me, bringing me a G&T. I swept up all the leaves as well so I felt quite satisfied by the time I'd finished!

Dinner tonight was roast chicken and as there were only three of us, we had quite a lot left over. So, it's bubble and squeak tomorrow, then!

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