Saturday 14 September 2019

A late lie-in!

I didn't wake up this morning until about 9am, which was really annoying, especially as the weather has been absolutely gorgeous today!

Sophie and I had a hair appointment at about 11am so we showered and drove to Moulton. It was great to not worry about washing our hair! We had a little wait in the salon and I sat and read my Kindle and enjoyed a coffee. Sophie had her locks chopped first and then it was my turn.

Afterwards I dropped Sophie off at the gym and went to Waitrose where I bought some extra veggies for tonight, four bottles of beer for the men and a pack of vegan sausage rolls. They were OK, but a little dry.

When Sophie had finished her workout it was time to go home and enjoy the vegan pizza I'd bought the other day for lunch. We ate it with a tub of Mediterranean couscous I'd bought and very good it was, too!

We spent the rest of the day lolling about and relaxing. The weather continued to be gorgeous and Keith and Mike had been out in the garden trying to cut down the ivy and the Virginia creeper that have reached the eaves of the house, our satellite dish and the burglar alarm box. I really would like to do something with this area as we never use it and it's a dead space. It would be great to have doors opening out onto it and a seating area. One day, perhaps!

Dinner this evening was a barbecue but it was alarming how early it became dark! Gone are the long sunny evenings!

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