Wednesday 18 September 2019

A long list of chores!

Keith and I had a huge list of things we needed to do today and he took Mike to work while I stripped our bed and put the bedding on to wash. I also needed to print off our car hire documents, the car rental voucher and the address for the hotel in Palma where we're spending Thursday night.

Once all that was out of the way, I cleaned the house from top to bottom and asked Keith to give our en-suite an extra clean tomorrow. We had to split up to get all the chores done and Keith went to Tesco to get food for the cat and dinner for tonight. When he arrived back he pruned some of the bushes in the garden and mowed the lawn! Phew! The weather has been gorgeous today with blue skies and plenty of sunshine, so that was a bonus!

We had some deliveries due from Amazon today so I stayed at home while Keith went to collect Mike from work. The house was looking lovely and clean, all the jobs had been completed and we were ready to pack everything for our break!

Sophie arrived home and was glad that she had tomorrow off as she had her own list of things she needed to do before we go tomorrow! My last job was to wallow in the bath but my husband, without my knowledge, had turned the water off so I had a lukewarm wallow, something I was not very happy about!

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