Thursday 5 September 2019

Tedious little chores...

As Mike had stayed out last night with Abbie, it meant I could go straight to work this morning. The schools have well and truly returned now so the traffic was back to its bad self!

Keith dropped me off and then went to do the shopping, despite us not getting around to writing out our list! It's such a tedious chore and we all hate it but it's something we have to do, to make it easier to shop!

At 3pm Keith collected me from work and we picked Mike up from the Racecourse in the centre of town. Back home I hoovered and did a general tidy up while Keith took Mike over to Kettering for a hair-cut.

It's been a lovely day today and after I'd tidied up it was lovely to sit and relax and wait for Sophie to come home. We had delicious pizza for dinner and a full dose of 90 Day Fiance! It's Friday again tomorrow!

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