Monday 1 April 2019

A very trying day!

Work was very busy this morning as people phoned up to book their children onto the various holiday activities we offer over Easter. The phone rang non-stop but then the system went down for about an hour which made us even busier later in the morning when the phones were restored!

I got myself into a pickle over a holiday playscheme booking so I had to stay behind at 2pm to sort it out! I sped home and gathered up the eBay parcels to send out and we headed over to Broughton. Mike wanted his hair cut so he came with us but both him and Keith sat in the car while I went into the post office.

The girl behind the counter was also stressed because a lot of people had arrived to shop all at once and she was the only person manning the tills. I had a desultory chat with the man who runs the fish and chip shop next door and then it was my turn and as I always pre-pay for my postage, I hoped it would be easy!

Unfortunately, there were problems with two of my packages but I still don't know why as the postage was correct for the weight. I became very annoyed when I was told I'd have to pay extra even though the weight of them was in the correct range. I went outside to get my purse and as I was ranting to Keith the woman appeared and said she'd made a mistake! We went back inside, she handed me my receipts and we were done. It was just par for the course for today, though!

Mike went off to get his hair cut while Keith and I had a quick cup of tea and then wandered around Tesco trying to get some inspiration for dinners. We ended up with a Tesco take-away curry and chicken pie (homemade) for tomorrow. Neither of us really felt like cooking a meal tonight so it was easy to buy the food and know we could shove it in the oven!

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