Monday 8 April 2019

Job success!

It was horrible going back to work this morning especially as the weather wasn't particularly good! We were very busy indeed with almost non-stop phone calls all morning and it was a relief to get out at 2pm and walk over to the Weston Favell Centre.

Keith had taken Mike to a job interview at 2pm and they texted me to say they were on their way. I'd visited the post office and done some shopping for Sophie so I was more than ready to be picked up.

When I got in the car I was thrilled to learn that Mike had got the job and starts tomorrow! He will be doing a very similar job to the one he had at the Gold Club, so a lot of grass-mowing and landscape work, which he really enjoyed. His pay is also very good, so that pleased him! It's such a relief to know that he has a job as Keith and I were starting to get really worried about him and it was costing his Dad quite a lot of money every month to pay for his phone and other expenses!

When we got home we helped him fill out lots of forms and get everything together for when he starts tomorrow. He'll  be doing 7.30am until 3.30pm Monday-Thursday with an earlier finish on Friday at 3pm, which fits in with my hours. It'll mean I'll have to leave the house at about 7am but that's a small price to pay if he gets on in the job and does well.

In the early evening we had a terrific thunderstorm with heavy rain - quite unusual, I think, for this time of year!

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