Saturday 20 April 2019

Saturday working

Unusually, I was at work today and started at 8.30am. Sophie gave me a lift as she was off to the gym and had promised to sort some clothes out to sell on eBay (a last push before we go!) when she got home.

Work was very pleasant and I was covering the shift with Sara (G) who I had never worked with before. She was lovely and chatty and we got on very well. As well as answering calls, I dealt with all the customer service emails so they certainly kept me busy!

Outside, the weather was lovely and it's set to continue into the early part of next week. Keith and Sophie picked me up and we decided to make use of the spare time and go and buy our currency in Tesco at Kettering.

It's been a real gamble as to the best time to get our dollars, because of all the upheaval with Brexit, but I think we obtained a good rate and certainly a better one than I'd anticipated. I did think at one time the dollar would be the same as the pound!

Back home we sat in the garden and enjoyed the sunshine. Keith had set up the barbecue as it was perfect weather for cooking our food outside. The temperatures today have been around 23-24c and we're wondering if this is going to signal another long hot summer. At least the grass is still lovely and green and soft underfoot, not like last year when it was yellow and crackly!

We enjoyed sausages and chicken served with new potatoes and salad and settled down to watch The Truman Show after we'd eaten. It was great!

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