Sunday 14 April 2019

Crab non-guine!

It was heavenly to have a lazy morning and do very little first thing. Sophie went to the gym and bought the Sunday newspaper for us so we didn't even have to go out and get that!

I had a lot to do today and Sophie helped me put a colour on my hair as it was way overdue. We also asked Keith to get the suitcases down from the wardrobe and I went through all of my summer clothes. It's quite hard to know what to pack, as the weather can be unpredictable and I don't think it's going to be red hot, not like Florida, anyway!

What we did put in, though, were the adaptors! It doesn't bear thinking about going off for ten days without them as we're taking Sophie's laptop so I can update this blog and of course, we'll have our phones, Sophie's ipad and various hair implements with us as well!

It's been a cold day today and we ventured out for a quick walk around the estate at about 5pm. Monty came with us for part of the way but we didn't stay out too long as the wind was freezing.

After making a couple of cocktails, we relaxed and then made dinner of crab linguine. Unfortunately, it wasn't one of our raving successes as the crab was really fishy and none of us liked it. I had a couple of mouthfuls and that was it, so I think we really should have used the white crab meat from the legs and claws. It was a huge shame, but you live and learn!

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