Thursday 3 May 2018

Voting Day

I was very busy at work this morning and learnt all about reporting the box office takings for the cinema, which was very interesting. Sara also gave me a proofreading job to do so the time flew by.

As soon as I was out of the building I called my Mum who was with my Dad in the hospital. She'd managed to get the bus so that was a huge relief. The operation had gone well and he looked a lot better than yesterday, she said. I sped home, and had a text conversation with Sophie who'd been doing a mock exam at uni. It hadn't gone well and she was a bit depressed about it. I said that it was a mock and therefore not important but she said she'd been learning all the wrong things. Keith went to fetch her and I went off to the school feeling worried about her. We seem to lurch from one crisis to the next!

At school we were out in the playground for the whole of the session which was lovely. It's so great to see the children play and enjoy the sunshine.

The minute I walked through the door Keith said we were all going to vote in the local elections so we drove to the polling station in the village. It was Mike's first time to vote! It took us all of five minutes and then it was home to eat a quick dinner of pizza, wedges and salad as Sophie and I were off to see Lady Bird at the cinema.

My daughter drove and we parked in the Weston Favell car park and walked over. It was a lovely evening and the weekend is set to be glorious, thank goodness!

I'd checked how many seats had been sold earlier in the day but there were considerably more people when the film started. I can't say I really enjoyed it as the scenes were all very short and it jumped about all over the place, but I'm glad we went to see it for free! A perk of the job! Sophie hadn't really enjoyed it either which surprised me as I thought it was more the sort of film she enjoys, and the reviews were generally very good. Perhaps it was just us!

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