Monday 21 May 2018

Hanging about!

I could hardly believe it was Monday again! Where did the weekend go?

Work was very busy first thing as parents booked their children onto the forthcoming holiday swimming crash courses. My first call was from a Mum who didn't know what the courses were called, only that they started at 8.30am. As we had several that started at that time, it wasn't a lot of help!

I picked Mike up on the way home and he sat and stuffed a very hot meat pie. It was nice to have his company for a while, though, as lately he's spending far more time out of the house than in! Once home, I quickly changed and sent an email to the company that's vetting me for my new job. I'm having problems obtaining a reference from the Citizens Advice Bureau so I hope they can get an alternative!

We had a quiet afternoon at the school but we had three extra children booked in at the last minute. Our usual lot all went by 5pm but the three extras were still around an hour later! This drove Lisa mad as she was due to go to a cricket match with her sons and it started at 6.15pm, and was half an hour's drive away! Typical! The last child was picked up and then she was off, her husband revving the engine of his car as he sat and waited!

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