Thursday 24 May 2018

So rude!

I awoke to a grey day but by lunchtime the sky had cleared again. Work was OK, we had busy periods but overall it was quite quiet and Sue and I were glad when it was time to go home as we'd both had a few difficult phone calls!

We spent most of the session at after-school club in the playground and Lisa left early at 5.30pm as she was going to a parents' evening for her oldest son. She locked up the school and I stayed with two little girls who were picked up well before 6pm. That was a relief!

I dashed home, ate a quick dinner and then Sophie and I drove to the cinema to see Unsane. The weather had changed again and it was raining hard when we left home. I put some petrol in Sophie's car and we parked in the Weston Favell Centre and walked across.

Sue had printed my tickets off and originally Mike was going to come with us, but he had other plans at the last minute...of course, they included a girl! Sophie and I went in and sat on the right hand side of the cinema as usual, following a couple of women who seemed very respectable.

The film started and then another couple came in who looked very unsteady on their feet. They almost sat down right in front of us even though there were only about 20 of us in the whole auditorium but managed to find seats elsewhere, thank goodness. They then proceeded to talk for the next fifteen minutes which was very annoying.

After about half an hour the two women we'd followed in then struck up a loud conversation which was really annoying as the film was quite suspenseful and quiet. Sophie turned around and told them to stop talking which was brilliant! I was so proud of her! Five minutes later they left!

Then the other two noisy people left so we thought that was it, but no, they returned with suspiciously clinky noises and sat back down again with a lot more commotion. By now, we'd had enough and the film was quite disturbing so we decided to call it a night and left, walking back to the car in the pouring rain. It hadn't been a brilliant night!

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