Saturday 10 March 2018

A moochy-about sort of day...

Today has been grey, breezy and rainy. Not very nice at all! After dropping Sophie off at work Keith and I came home and had poached eggs for breakfast before pottering about and catching up with the usual Saturday jobs. I also prepared a Coq au Vin dish for this evening's dinner and I peeled a mound of veg to go with it. I had really wanted to get out into the garden but everywhere was a wet, soggy mess!

Unfortunately, we caught a glimpse of a rat again but I think this is a different one as it was very timid and as soon as I moved inside the conservatory it scampered back under the bushes. It didn't seem as big as the one we saw last week, but it propelled Keith into setting up the humane trap we ordered and putting some of Monty's fishy cat food inside. I personally don't think we will catch any rats with it, but we'll wait and see. At least we can then release any we do catch over the fields!

Mike wanted to go to Brixworth at midday so I dropped him off and came back to mooch about some more. How I long for lovely Spring days when I can get out, wash the cars and do jobs in the garden! I did, at least, wash the front windows as they were very dirty so I felt much better about that!

We picked up both children in the evening and then returned home to relax and enjoy our French dish - I have to say it was delicious!

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