Thursday 20 April 2017

Same old, same old...

This morning, Keith was looking after Sue's two dogs, Bailey and Archie, to help her out so I took Mike to college while he took them for a walk over the fields. It was a grey, overcast day and there was a definite hint of rain in the air, something we haven't had for a while!

I returned home and did some ironing before helping Keith out with the shopping list. We feel we have become stuck in a rut with our meals so we decided on a Mexican night for Sunday with a recipe we saw in You magazine...I just hope it works out!

We took Sophie to uni, called to see Mum and Dad to take a thank you card (they were out) and headed to Kettering to do the shopping. On the way home Keith wanted to go to the Co-op in Broughton as the beer there was cheaper than Tesco, but because of the road closure on the A43, the traffic was horrendous! Everywhere we go these days seems to have a road closure at very short notice and it's becoming a real pain! I just hope the roads are being closed because of repairing pot holes, which are a real danger at the moment.

Just before we left to pick up the kids, the skies clouded over and I thought we were going to have a torrential downpour. It passed over us, though, so no real rain today...I must go out into the garden and do some watering!

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