Thursday 6 April 2017

Another busy day!

Today dawned beautifully sunny again and I went to work on a neighbour's garden for three hours. Sue was cleaning the house and before she went in she told me what needed to be done, which involved a lot of weeding and putting in some flowering plants to brighten up the space.

It was very pleasant to be out gardening in the sunshine and Monty kept me company. Sophie also popped along for a chat and brought me a cup of tea. The woman who owns the house was lovely and we had a chat about what I'd been doing before. She wasn't aware that I only lived a couple of doors down!

I finished at 12pm and after having a very quick shower, we went off to do our weekly shop. Thankfully we didn't have to get as much stuff today as we did last week and by 2pm we were home and eating leftover picnic foods from yesterday.

I met up with Sarah in the late afternoon as next door is being rented out and the garden was in a terrible state. I had offered to do it and she took me on a quick tour of the house. The previous tenants hadn't looked after it as well as they should have done and it was sad to see it looking a bit neglected and forlorn.

Before we had dinner, Maureen from work popped around to give Sophie her birthday present. She was full of the news about the play centre being in the news due to a staff member supposedly telling a disabled child that he could no longer play as he was whizzing about in his motorised wheelchair. A storm had erupted on Facebook on Tuesday afternoon and the complaints were still being posted onto the company's page. Some of the comments were horrible but I have to say the apology from the owners was pathetic and had angered people even more. I was just extremely glad we were no longer in charge, although I am sure we would have handled the situation in a different way!

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