Saturday 8 April 2017

Garage clear out!

Keith went for a walk early this morning, before we took Sophie to work. I did a pile of ironing as I wanted to get it out of the way so we could concentrate on clearing out the garage today, in readiness for the village garage sale which is taking place in May.

When we returned from dropping Sophie off at work, we had breakfast (my favourite - tomatoes and bacon mopped up with bread) and then got to work. It was a horribly dirty job as all the things we had stored in the rafters of the garage were covered in a thick layer of dust. I'd already filled the boot of my car with cardboard, old clothes and various other bits of junk so we took that and then made a start on the loads and loads of wood that Keith had kept over the years, "just in case they came in useful for something." They were covered in dust so I had to brush it all off before I put the planks into my car!

Just as we were getting all of Mike's old toys down from the rafters, he appeared and started going through them all...not really what I wanted as he kept exclaiming that he didn't want anything thrown away. Well, tough! If it wasn't saleable, it was going into a black bag and going to the tip!

Mike was off to see friends in Brixworth and was all ready to go so I said I would give him a lift with the second load for the tip, if he would give me a hand unloading it all. He did, but he became slightly dusty in the process, which didn't go down too well!

I dropped him off after he'd brushed himself down and headed home to put more stuff into the boot of my car, including an old carpet that we had stored for 16 years and more rubbish. Keith went off to have a shower as he was going to the football and I made a start on cleaning up the stuff that we planned to sell next month, namely DVDs, CDs, old Playstation games and some beautiful crystal vases that I just didn't want any more.

After Keith had departed for his football match, I had some lunch and carried on with my cleaning before going and having a quick bath. When I'd returned from the last trip to the tip there was a cycle race going on in the village so I'd decided to make my last visit a bit later as it was like the blooming Tour de France!

As I was putting the last few things into the boot I said hello to Sue who was doing her own garden. She mentioned that the cutting of a hellebore she'd given me the other week wasn't doing so well (it actually looked half dead) where it was in our front garden and suggested I move it to a more shady spot and give it a good drenching!

Thankfully, the Tour de France had finished so I sped off to the tip and returned to tidy up and hoover the downstairs of the house before Keith came home. He watched the Grand National (I couldn't bear to see it after my horse, Definitly Red, was pulled up), but we didn't have any winners. I am never lucky in this race and I don't know why I bother to have a bet!

I hoovered out the boot of my car and then went to pick Sophie up from work while Keith watched Newcastle play. When Sophie and I got home she decided to open the bottle of Champagne I'd bought for her and we had a very pleasant evening playing cards in the conservatory and sipping the fizz! After dinner we watched The Girl on the Train and  very good it was too!

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