Saturday 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween!

After a foggy and very grey start, the day turned out to be beautiful. What a bonus!

Sophie's friend Daisy had stayed overnight and once she'd gone home Sophie and I went to Market Harborough for a mooch about the shops. We'd planned on going to Farndon Fields for lunch but Sophie had been eating leftover pizza so we contented ourselves with a coffee and a snack in Costa instead.

Market Harborough was busy with shoppers and everywhere was full of both Halloween and Christmas decorations. In Monsoon I treated Sophie to a lovely little notebook with drawings of New York on the cover and she said she would use it as a journal for her visit. I looked in some of the charity shops for a dress for my 40s CDWM but didn't see anything suitable and a dress I liked in Monsoon was £70 so that was a no-no! It wouldn't be the sort of thing I'd wear normally!

We didn't stay as long as I thought we would and headed home at 4pm to get ready for trick or treaters. Mike had gone to his party earlier in the day and Keith was at a football match so I went around tidying up and lighting candles and making the house all cosy. Outside there was a beautiful sunset and everything looked orange and blue.

At just after 5pm we had our first callers and Keith came home to watch the rugby world cup final. We had a steady stream until about 7pm and at one point we had a huge crowd of children all clamouring for sweets! It was great to see them going around and some of the parents had also dressed up in costumes!

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