Saturday 10 October 2015

Lazy Saturday

Sophie said she didn't fancy doing anything today and I agreed with her. It was lovely to just mooch about the house and do very little, although I did wash all her bedding and I found the time to put a colour on my hair.

The weather has been a bit disappointing today with the thick cloud never disappearing so there were no blue skies and sunshine at all. Keith went off to watch his team play in the afternoon and Mike, Sophie and me just lounged about and relaxed. I can't help feeling guilty when this happens but we've had a busy week and at times it's heaven to not do anything at all. I'm reading Bill Bryson's latest book at the moment and last night in bed I nearly collapsed with laughing so much. The tears were rolling down my face as I read some of his observations about life in Britain and I had to agree with so much of what he says.

In particular this line:

"If you took all the young men in southern England with those caps and that slouch and collected them all together in one room, you still wouldn’t have enough IQ points to make a halfwit."


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