Tuesday 6 October 2015


Life is really busy at the moment - I have no idea how I found the time to work!

We dropped the kids off at school and university and then I left Keith at Pitsford so he could go and do his walk. I sped home to put the hoover around and after Keith had finished his daily trek and showered we went to collect Sophie to go to Jones's.

While we were shopping the weather turned rainy and it was lashing it down when we came out. I got soaked taking the trolley back and resembled a drowned rat! Not a good look!

After Jones's we headed to Tesco and the post office as I'd received a nice little cheque in the post from a credit card protection scheme I'd taken out about ten years ago. The amount I received wasn't huge but it'll keep the wolf from the door for a couple of weeks! I didn't have to do anything either, just fill out a claim form that had been sent to me and send it back. This all happened about ten years ago so it was great to get a little windfall!

I couldn't pay the cheque in at the post office without a paying in slip, so I told Sophie we'd call in at Brixworth on the way home from university later in the day, which we did. Just outside of the village I pulled over in Jim and let Sophie drive the rest of the way home. After being a little nervous she did very well and enjoyed driving along the country roads. We need to get out and do some practise every week!

In the evening it was just Sophie and me as the boys were out to their usual Tuesday night activities. A girls' night in means Chicken Kiev, mashed potatoes and sweetcorn all washed down with a glass or two of Bicicletta Viognier. Delicious!

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