Saturday 30 May 2015

Sunny Saturday!

As I enjoyed my first cup of coffee this morning I watched an episode of Insane Pools and it set the tone for the day as we had Florida skies and sunshine first thing, which was a welcome relief after the grey skies of yesterday! The pools on that programme are gorgeous and I watch in a state of complete jealousy!

Keith and I had to go to Booker as we'd run out of a lot of stuff yesterday. I'd had to go anyway as we planned on having pulled pork for dinner on Sunday and I needed to buy a shoulder joint which would be marinated overnight.

We were all done and back at home by 11am and made bacon sandwiches for the children. Keith and I had sausage sandwiches (we really must be fans of the pig!) and sat and read the papers in the sunny conservatory.

In the afternoon Sophie and I went to Market Harborough and we chose Starbucks today for a hot drink and a muffin before having a mooch around the shops. We didn't see Duncan today as he had English wines on tasting and I'm not a fan...I couldn't see the point of going in there if I had no intention of buying any of the wines on offer!

I bought a couple of DVDs in the British Heart Foundation shop for tonight. It would be great if we could all sit down and watch a film, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll all like Mr and Mrs Smith!

Back home I helped Sophie print off a photo to be framed for her friend Laura's birthday. I'd scanned the original onto my computer but the result wasn't brilliant. We kept on trying for at least two hours until we were pleased with the result and Sophie put the picture into a frame. Keith came and sat with us in the conservatory and in between sorting out the photos, we watched a family of starlings visit the buffet on offer in our garden. We were amazed to see the babies still demanding to be fed and I felt really sorry for the parents who looked run ragged by the constant demands of their offpsring. Sometimes I know exactly how they feel!

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