Sunday 3 May 2015

Pottering about!

I've spent today just pottering about, which has been lovely. The weather first thing was horrible with heavy rain and wind but the forecast said it was due to clear up in the afternoon.

Keith and I went and bought the newspapers and then called in to see Mum and Dad on the way home for a coffee. We got soaked running to and from the car! I showed my Mum the baby clothes I'd kept, all of them bought by my parents, and she loved seeing them again after such a long time.

Back at home I warmed up pain au chocolat for the kids while Keith and I ate the waffles he'd bought a while ago, which turned out to be a bit of a disappointment as they went rock hard after being grilled! Even eating them with maple syrup didn't help!

Sophie was meeting two of her friends at the cinema at lunchtime so I dropped her off, came home and went out into the garden to see what was happening with the plants. In our gravelled area the plants have gone a bit mad so Keith and I will need to do some pruning before long otherwise it'll turn into a jungle! I raked up some dead branches but then it started to rain again so I headed indoors. We really will have to set aside a weekend to tidy up this area and Keith needs to go up the ladder to cut back the Virginia Creeper that is winding itself around our satellite dish.

Mike went off for a walk over the fields but then called and asked to be picked up in the village. I went to fetch him and, typically, as I stopped to let him get in the car I received a text from Sophie asking me to collect her at 5pm, giving me just enough time to get over to the other side of Northampton.

Mike came with me, so that was nice. He put his headphones on, though, but it was still nice to have the company and the odd grunt! Sophie had been to see the film "Cinderella" followed by a meal at TGI Fridays and said the cinema had been full of children running about and kicking the seats. Then, in the restaurant, they were seated between two families with screaming babies...the babe magnet is working well then. Sophie!

As soon as we got home I poured her a glass of wine while I had a very delicious vodka and tonic while Keith cooked roast beef for dinner. I'd recorded a programme called "Cribs" as one of Sophie's heroes, Tyson Ritter, was showing us around his home in Florida. Needless to say Sophie was in ecstasy so all irritations from her afternoon out were quickly forgotten!

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