Friday 15 May 2015

Phew! Friday at last!

Today was as sunny and lovely as yesterday was wet and horrible! English weather, eh!

Keith and I went to Booker this morning and when I dropped him off at home I brought Sophie back with me. We had a lunchtime party so we had an hour or two of being busy and then it quietened down in the afternoon.

We stayed at work until 5pm just in case it became manic again but we weren't needed so we went thankfully home. After dinner, Sophie and I watched a very interesting programme called "Swamp Beasts" about strange animals in Florida. It featured the Alligator Snapping Turtle which is perhaps the ugliest animal I've ever seen! It has terrifically strong jaws and snapped a broom handle in half. The man presenting the programme and a man who lives in the area went exploring in the swamps and they couldn't see beneath the black water. All manner of dangerous creatures could have been lurking there, but that didn't deter them one bit!

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