Saturday 23 May 2015

My little companion...

I was awoken this morning by the tremendous racket from a group of rooks and crows who were having a right old argument in our garden at 5am! They were squabbling over a couple of fat snax I'd put out last night and the noise was unbelievable! I'll have to stop putting food out in the evening otherwise I won't be very popular with our neighbours!

The beautiful sunny weather gave way to overcast skies and gloom by the time Keith had returned from doing the shopping. We left both kids in bed and went to the car boot sale in Holcot to see what was being sold and whether it was worth taking the rest of our stuff to sell there.

I'd last been quite a few years ago and we were both aghast at how many cars and people were there at 9am. The first large field was given over to parking, the middle, huge, field was for the sellers and late arrivals were being directed to another field further on. When we'd visited last time the whole car boot was situated in just one field.

We parked the car and went off to see what was happening. I have to admit to thinking there was a load of tat for sale with some stuff I wouldn't even give to a charity shop! There were rows upon rows of tables set up, some genuine car booters hoping to sell unwanted stuff and make space at home, but there were also a lot of traders. Neither of us were impressed with what was on offer and after walking up and down a few rows we decided to go home for breakfast. I couldn't face going there and setting up a table myself so we had some decisions to make about the stuff we have cluttering up the conservatory!

Back home we made sausage sandwiches and I put a load of the items we'd set aside to sell at the table top sale into my car to take down to the British Heart Foundaton shop in Northampton. I knew we'd have difficulty getting rid of the soft toys, the clothes and the paperback books so hopefully they'll make some money for the charity.

Sophie wanted to come along with us so we set off at lunchtime for the post office in Brixworth (more stuff to send off!), Jones's, where I bought three more window handles, and Homebase where we picked up a colour chart for the living room. We like the idea of soft greys on the walls with lovely white paintwork.

Mike called us as he had planned to go and see his mates so when we arrived home, Keith took him over to Brixworth straight away while I cooked a Spanish omelette for lunch.

I went out into the garden again after lunch and the robin was my constant companion, searching for worms when I dug more soil and finding lots of little worms to feed his family (I'm assuming he's a male, but it could be the female!).

Again, he showed absolutely no fear of me whatsoever and came really close as soon as I'd turned over the earth. I dug all along the border and was pleased to see that the bushes that Slasher Keith had pruned back in March were showing small signs of life.

It felt great to be out in the garden and I was delighted with how it all looked when I finished. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get out into the gravel garden and tidy that up as well as a prune is long overdue!

In the evening we had a delicious three course meal and enjoyed the Eurovision Song Contest. We had to give up on the idea of a food for every country taking part as it would have meant trying to find weird and wonderful foods and probaby cooking all day, so we chose pate to start from Belgium, a main course of Beef Stroganoff and a dessert of Pavlova in honour of Australia's entry this year.

Our song was mediocre and we ended up with just five points, but my favourite, the Swedish entry, was very good and ended up seeing off Russia to win!

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