Tuesday 12 May 2015

Not a good day...

Today has been horrible. I saw cars arriving in our car park well before our opening time and when we let the customers in we discovered that a group had decided to visit us, but hadn't thought to let us know they were coming!

By 10.30am, the car park was full so I dashed home to get Sophie to help out. She had thought I'd wanted her in just for her company but changed her mind when she saw the amount of cars that were parked outside the building. Even more had arrived since I'd left to pick her up.

Sophie got to work straight away and I was called over to Reception to see Polly as the glue that Ian and Keith had put down yesterday to fix the floor hadn't dried and it was being trodden everywhere. The children had it all over their socks, it was on the carpets and the framework and it was just a sticky mess. What I was supposed to be about it was beyond me and you can imagine my reaction. To be honest, I'd had enough!

Mum told me to calm down so I had a go at her and we ended up having a horrible argument, which certainly didn't help the already stressful situation. The group (women who carry their babies in slings) turned out to be a real moany lot as well. We had a few complaints:

1. Our menu was misleading. One woman thought that our paninis were served with a crisp, when actually the wording read "Accompanied by a crisp, fresh salad." Sophie dealt with her and I think my daughter's customer service skills deserted her for a little while.

2. The cheese was too "greasy". This from a woman who had ordered a Panini and when the cheese was melted, said it was greasy. She demanded a refund.

3. Later in the day a woman accused our cook, Maureen, of "squashing" her chicken nuggets. Quite how Maureen managed this, I have no idea.

So, that was today. It was bliss to finally go home and relax for a little while, even if Mike did want us to take him to Brixworth (again!). He wasn't keen on going to Army Cadets this evening so we dropped him off at a friend's house and went back home to prepare dinner. We enjoyed sweet and sour chicken with prawn crackers but even though Mike ate a lasagne he nicked most of our prawn crackers!

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