Sunday 24 May 2015

It's a Dog's Life!

All plans to go into the garden were thwarted by the weather this morning as we had a few hours of drizzle and grey skies. Not really what I was expecting and hoping for today!

I had a bit of a lie-in this morning so it was a slow start to the day. We went to get the Sunday papers and called in to see Mum and Dad for a coffee. They were off to Milton Keynes to do some shopping and I think they had the right idea! It was certainly better than gardening!

Keith and I returned home, had crumpets for breakfast and then I made a start on tidying up our very messy and cluttered study, helped by Sophie who was in a ruthless mood!

In the corner cabinet I found lots of old mobile phone boxes that I was keeping for some unknown reason so I put them all in a box to take to the tip. After about two hours we were very pleased with how everything had been tidied up and we had a load of stuff to take to the tip. I cleared all the drawers out as well and chucked out paperwork that was no longer needed and old school stuff of Sophie's.

In the evening we had been invited to Sarah and Liam's new house for nibbles along with Sue and Paul. Sue very kindly offered to drive even though she'd driven the last two times we'd been out. It was good luck that she knew the way as we'd never have found the house on our own.

We'd been warned that Sarah and Liam's new kitchen was still being fitted and that they'd acquired a brand new Irish Wolfhound puppy as well as dog-sitting another pooch, but the house, and its canine occupants, was very calm and the puppy was fast sleep when we arrived.

We had a lovely evening and were very impressed with the new house which was beautiful. They still have a lot of plans for the rooms and the cellar and I'm sure it will be gorgeous when it's all finished.

We had delicious nibbles, lots of lovely wine and went home at about midnight!

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