Saturday 16 May 2015

Hanging about...

Today, all I have done is drive Sophie and Michael about...endlessly.

Mike wanted to go to Moulton this morning, for their annual Festival, so I dropped him off at 11am, came home and ate a quick breakfast before taking Sophie to work at 12pm. She was only needed until 3pm so it was back to pick her up and then we waited for Mike to contact us about picking him up.

In between I felt I couldn't settle to anything, but I did put a colour on my hair as the grey was coming through really badly! It's been a gorgeous day today but the wind is still chilly so not really sitting out in the garden weather.

We finally got hold of Mike at 6pm and picked him just outside Moulton. He said the festival had been "boring" so had spent most of the day at his friend's house. After a delicious dinner of chicken en croute Keith and I settled down to watch "The Affair" a new series on Sky Atlantic. It was a bit raunchy so I'm glad the kids decided not to watch it with us!

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