Tuesday 19 May 2015

Losing it...

We've had a fairly intense day at work today as we had a meeting with our buyers this afternoon and I was unhappy with the outcome as they still haven't been able to give us a completion date. I explained, quite strongly, that as a family we've got to the point now where the delays are very frustrating and the fact that our insurance expires at work in mid June is certainly not helping matters. I think they were quite surprised at my outburst and maybe they've come to realise now that they've pushed us to the edge as they promised to get things moving with the Landlord and to try and work with us to solve the problem with the insurance.

I left for home soon after the meeting as Sophie and I had an appointment with Punks and Pin-ups in Mawsley. We'd booked a wet cut each and we were both in and out within half an hour, which was very fast indeed. There was just the one woman washing our hair, cutting it, answering the telephone and dealing with a customer so not much time was spent on our locks! Maybe it's time to look for another hairdresser!

We sploshed home through some big puddles as today has been a mix of sunshine and heavy downpours. And the temperature has been cold as well! We relaxed until it was time to take Mikey to Army Cadets and then we drove into town for a meal at The Lamplighter. We still had some money left after the table-top sale and it just about covered our drinks, garlic bread for starters and our main courses.

The pub was extremely quiet - perhaps everyone is waiting for the Beer Festival which is coming over the Bank Holiday weekend!

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