Sunday 1 December 2013

Deck the Halls, Part 2!

Today has been spent decorating the house ready for Christmas, although first thing this morning I really didn't feel like doing it! I can't put up the trees without the house being really clean so that had to be done first!

Keith and I moved the furniture around and made space for the slimline green tree in the living room and the lovely big white one in the conservatory. I've left the decorating of that to the children who were both out of the house all day. Mikey called us at almost 4pm to go and pick him up and it was lovely to get out of the house for a while. It's been a beautiful day again and the sky was streaked with pink clouds as the sun set. It would have been great to have got out for a walk but there's been too much to do in the house. Why can't we have more days like these?

Mikey never made it to dinner tonight as he had a bath and then fell asleep on his bed, exhausted by his Army Cadet weekend! I made beef stroganoff again but this time added some smoked paprika which added a lovely flavour. Not long now before it's my turn to host Come Dine With Me!

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