Saturday 7 December 2013

A Christmas altercation...

Yesterday I didn't write my blog as there was very little to say! It was the usual routine of work and getting things done, but Sophie and I didn't go to the gym in the evening as all I really wanted to do was go home and just relax. It had been a busy week and there was something going on every night, so it was bliss to pick Sophie up from school at 4.15pm and just go home!

Today, though, has been very busy and a bit fractious! After I made a cooked breakfast for everyone Keith and I took Mikey to the hated local shopping centre as he was convinced that the Game shop there had Play Station 4s. It's bad enough having to go there in the week because we use the bank there, but to go on a Saturday was like plunging into the depths of hell. But actually, when we arrived it wasn't too bad and we were able to get parked straight away, which was a miracle!

Foolishly I left the men to their task thinking that there was no way they were going to get their hands on the coveted console. I went into Tesco to look for buckwheat flour to experiment with the blinis that I'm planning to cook for the Come Dine With Me evening. I was gone a fair while as I just couldn't believe that the huge Tesco store did not stock buckwheat flour! I scoured the shelves, even going off to the ethnic section, but there was none.

When I emerged from the store I bumped into Ian who helps us at work on a Monday and then went off to find Mikey and Keith. Thinking that they would have to admit defeat I was astonished to see Mikey carrying a huge bag...

My first words were, how much? as Mikey had told me tales about his friends getting their hands on a PS4 as a bundle, which included various games and equipment for far more than I had budgeted for. Keith told me a price and I was shocked because, as expected, it was more than I wanted to pay for Mikey's Christmas present. I was very angry indeed and demanded to see the receipt, which turned out to be more than Keith had told me, which made me even angrier!

I had a bit of a rant all the way back to the car and to cut a long story short, Keith and I fell out in a big way about how much he'd spent. I was angry because he hadn't thought to consult me about the present and had just gone ahead and given into Mikey's expectations.

When we got home I disappeared into the shower and while I was in there Keith went out, not telling me where he was going, which made me all the more annoyed with him. I spent the day cleaning the house, wrapping presents and putting up some little lights in the tree outside the house. I'd asked the children to decorate the white tree in the conservatory but by 4.30pm I'd given up on them, so did it myself. When Sophie found out she called me a "knob" so all in all, today hasn't been the best of days!

It was around 5pm when Keith eventually returned having been to watch a local football team play. This time I went out while he was in the shower (just to get some eggs) and when I got back we had a talk about what had happened and we both got over our argument. Mikey was very contrite and I told him that on Christmas Day I wanted him to spare a thought for all the children who wouldn't get what they wanted but I think it fell on deaf ears. Maybe I'll get him to start working for me to repay some of what was spent (I did expect a contribution from his savings!).

Keith and I went off to the pub as we'd ordered a Chinese from the van in the village so relations between us were repaired somewhat. I just hope that this hasn't set the tone for this year's festive celebrations!

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