Monday 16 December 2013

A bit of a shock...

I had a feeling that today wouldn't be a good day on the way to work this morning when the traffic ground to a halt in one of the villages, for no apparent reason. It turned out to be because someone had been hurt badly - either he'd been run over or had collapsed - as when I drove past, the man was lying on the ground covered by blankets.

It was pretty sobering, especially as the accident had happened opposite a bus stop used by local children. I drove into work and was surprised to get a call from Sophie saying that my Dad had called to say that the alarm was going off at work. Thinking it was the Nursery girls arriving, I wasn't too worried until I got into work to discover that it was very serious indeed.

The alarm had gone off at 8am which was very surprising seeing as we normally have staff in at that time and for one minute we were a bit alarmed thinking that the burglars were still in the building. The safe had been unlocked and all the weekend takings had been stolen...

Whoever it was knew exactly where we kept the key which was very worrying. Other things bothered me as well, because two doors hadn't been secured properly and our security light was still on. The police came out and I looked at the CCTV to see if I could spot anyone in the building at 8am, but there was nothing.

We later discovered that the alarm had gone off at just before 3am and we were able to see two men running through the play area en route to our office. The alarm goes through to a central station who then ring our security company who are supposed to come out to investigate but we don't know what happened as nothing had been reported to us at that early hour, only the 8am alarm which still remains a mystery.

To make matters worse, our cleaner had taken today off, so after sorting out everything, we had all the cleaning to do! I'd already decided to give the gym a miss tonight so Sophie and I went off home and she suggested that Keith and I go out for a drink to try and relax after the stressful day. We walked up to the pub in the village only to remember half way there that it closes on a Monday! Typical! Retracing our steps we got into the car and drove over to The Hare at Loddington where we had a very pleasant couple of drinks and ended up chatting to a man at the bar who had just moved into the village. At least the end of the day was a lot better than the start!

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