Tuesday 12 November 2013

Gainfully employed...

It felt very strange today to be closed! If I thought I wouldn't have any contact with customers I was wrong as I had quite a few people come in to book parties or pay deposits and the phone was busy all day.

Mum had her operation first thing and she called me mid morning to say she felt a bit drowsy but she was fine, which was great news. My Dad was in and out for most of the day while I helped Ian and Keith with the lights and did as much cleaning as I could, which I found a bit frustrating. The floor man (Dave) spent  lot of the day putting down more seal and when it was dry, buffing it to remove the excess powder. This meant that a lot of the surfaces are now covered in dust!

After Keith and Ian had replaced all the tubes that had blown, I went up on the scissor lift to try and clean the girders and light fittings. However, all I seemed to have done is move the dust from one area to another! My efforts were halted at 2pm as we had a meeting with our Landlord's agent about the rent so I had to go and make myself look a bit presentable!

In the evening Mikey had an Army Cadet meet in town so Keith and I went to The Lamplighter for a drink and a meal, rather than drive all the way home. We'd never been to this pub before but I'd heard good things about it so it was definitely one I wanted to try.

The pub was lovely - it's an old Victorian pub with high ceilings and a lovely cosy atmosphere. There were three beers on offer and we chose a ruby red ale which was delicious (can't remember its name!). The staff were really friendly and we had fish and chips and sausage and mash from the menu, and both dishes were lovely. After Keith's second pint the ruby red ale went off so he chose an IPA, moving onto a new beer for his fourth pint! You can tell I was driving!

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