Monday 18 November 2013

Dreary Monday

I woke this morning from the strangest dream in which Sandra Bullock was at a local shopping centre, giving Sophie a manicure! It was so vivid that when I woke up I really struggled to remember what day it was (Monday...groan!) and the dream seemed more real than reality!

Taking a look at the weather, I think I should have gone straight back to bed. It's been murky, grey and damp all day - real November weather. I didn't get to do any painting at work as I expected, as I forgot that we had a school in during the morning and by the time they went at lunchtime, we had to do the cleaning all over again!

I also forgot that we had a local photographic husband and wife team coming in after school to take some promotional shots of their children playing as they'll be coming in once a month to take photos of customers' children. They didn't arrive until after 4pm so all plans to go to the gym were put on hold and I was at work until 6pm. My poor daughter was there with me and although I offered to drive her to the gym, she volunteered to stay with me and help me tidy up afterwards. The good thing is that I managed to get a lot of things done in the two extra hours I had!

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