Tuesday 5 November 2013

Feeding the cake!

The school run was a great deal more pleasant this morning as I got to know my new car! My parents were very impressed and I took Mum for a little spin around the car park. We had a moment when I put the car in reverse and it wouldn't move as I hadn't got my seatbelt on! Talk about machines taking over!

The weather today has been very miserable - chilly, grey and rainy - and not what I expected as last night was cold and clear. I did talk to Keith about going for a walk after work but Sophie and I had to take a top back to New Look and we didn't arrive home until past 5pm and it was well and truly dark!

We fed the Christmas cake tonight. I used the leftover brandy that was used to soak the fruit and dribbled it over the top of the cake. I then added it to a half-full bottle of Port and the mixture smelt and tasted delicious so next week I'll feed it a bit more. Keith was looking at the cake with a gleam in his eye but we are not eating this one yet! I'm going to attempt to ice it and then keep it for Christmas!

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