Saturday 26 January 2013

What is that strange thing I see in the sky?

After seeing the snow falling last night I expected to wake this morning to ten foot drifts, but no...there was only the very lightest of coverings and the sun was shining! The sun!! It's been so long since we've seen beautiful blue skies and sunshine and what a wondrous thing it was! Now I can see why ancient peoples were terrified that it would disappear in the winter and never be seen again!

We celebrated Mikey's birthday today - he's a teenager! I can't believe how fast the years have sped by!

It's amazing how much sunshine and light can alter my mood. I felt more energetic and decided to tackle the conservatory which was badly in need of a clean. If it had been a bit warmer I would have thrown open all the doors and windows and let some much needed fresh air into the house. So, I spent most of the morning up a ladder cleaning all the window frames and making the space a lot fresher. It felt very good when I'd finished! Mum and Dad popped in to give Mikey his presents (more Playstation games and an animal hat/scarf/gloves that seem to be all the rage!). We lit the candles on his cake and enjoyed a slice with a cup of tea which made for a welcome break from all the cleaning!

The afternoon was spent printing out Sophie's photos again, and would you believe that on the very last one, the colour ink went? When she came home from work, she told me that I'd printed out two of the photos needlessly as they were OK...I knew I should have waited!

In the evening we met up with Mum and Dad at Bella Italia for a lovely meal. The place was packed to the rafters so I was very glad I'd booked a table. Just before my Birthday I'd received an email offering me a free bottle of wine so that was redeemed straight away!Keith very kindly offered to drive home!

We had a very good meal and Mikey got his wish to have his Godfather dessert which he'd been dreaming about ever since I suggested going to the restaurant!

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